
Age of empires 2 1v1 build order
Age of empires 2 1v1 build order

age of empires 2 1v1 build order

(Attack the boar with the villager, hit it with two arrows and run the villager back to the tc. Research loom here since you don't want to lose villagers to the boar. There are variations but this one is pretty common. Water maps are a whole different ball game. Simple build order for fast feudal on a land map, typically arabia. Fast castling like the build Robo linked to works pretty easily as well, but it does take longer to get to the action. I've yet to play an AI that isn't easily beaten with this strategy. Once you hit feudal build towers around all his resources and TC. To tower do a fast feudal build and while you are going up send several villagers to stone and several villagers forward to his base. If you just want to be able to beat the AI the easiest way is to tower rush. If you want to get better at the game watch Zeroempires zero to hero series and learn some build orders. The real question is whether you just want to be able to beat the ai or whether you want to actually become good at the game.

Age of empires 2 1v1 build order